Consultancy Services

The eDNA Consultancy brings expertise and innovation to provide clarity in DNA based monitoring

As active researchers we understand the monitoring challenges that conservation organisations face.

By designing innovative solutions that improve the efficiency of your monitoring, you have more time for project delivery.
We are always transparent about the methods we use so that you can be confident in the quality of the data you receive.

What we offer

As experienced molecular, field, and spatial ecologists, we provide comprehensive support at every stage of your project, from design and sample collection to data analysis.

Our expert guidance during the project design phase helps you develop targeted sampling strategies, streamlining your workflow and maximising efficiency to save both time and resources. This can include habitat suitability modelling and bespoke sampling strategies to optimise data collection.

If you need assistance selecting primers or require custom primers for your study, our team can design and rigorously test primers both in silico and in vitro to suit your project’s needs.

All returned data includes a results map as standard, along with species richness and diversity analyses where appropriate. Additional data analysis can further reveal the spatial and environmental factors influencing your target species’ distribution.


An initial call helps us to fully understand your project and aims. Consultancy time for project design, data analysis, and interpretation are charged with variable rates depending on staff allocation and your requirements. Finally a project delivery call is included to discuss the results.

We collaborate widely with academic researchers, conservation organisations and community scientist groups providing consultancy time to get your project off the ground.

All projects come with associated researcher support from a dedicated scientist for continuity. However, we recognise that you might only need our expertise during the project inception phase. If you need independent and ongoing advice we can organise a short (or long term) retainer.

Who we work with

1. The landscape scale long term biodiversity monitoring project

Client's aim

To determine where infrastructure improvements should be made to restore historic fish populations.

Our input

We modelled sample collection points based on locations of barriers to fish movement and designed a complementary water quality monitoring plan. Collected and analysed eDNA and water chemistry samples

The output

Full report with publication quality data analysis. Statistically robust analyses contextualising eDNA findings with additional ecological parameters, mapping and recommendations.

Example Consultancy projects:

Client's aim

To assess native and signal crayfish presence along with the watermould known as crayfish plague across a catchment.

Our input

Provision of bespoke sampling kits, sourcing reference DNA from captive specimens, qPCR analysis of samples for three species.

The output

Full report with publication quality data analysis, mapping and explanatory comments.

2. Baseline eDNA monitoring survey for low abundance freshwater species

3. Species richness assessment at genus level in a tropical data deficient habitat

Client's aim

To document vertebrate genetic biodiversity where minimal existing reference sequences exist

Our input

To provide simple aquatic eDNA kits and sample export support. Laboratory analysis and bespoke bioinformatics.

The output

Full report with publication quality data analysis, mapping, preserved genetic sequence data for future reanalysis when reference sequences allow.

Links to our other services